- Types of designers
- Package Designer - Designs the structure of a package for a product and also the surface graphics of the package.
- Graphic Designer - Design with text and images - creates layouts
- Interior Designer - Creates the design for interiors of building with an emphasis on function and aesthetics including colour schemes.
- Product Designer - Designs everyday products ranging from cars to televisions.
- Architect - Designs the structure and appearance of buildings.
- Fashion Designer - Design the function and aesthetics of garments & clothing.
- Web Designer - Design the layout and visual appearance of websites.
- Multimedia Designer - Designs the visual appearance and function of Multimedia products such as computer games for entertainment and education.
- The Design Process
- Design Brief - documentation of a design need for a client. Revise what needs to be documented in a design brief.
- Research - revise what resources a designer uses to research their design problem. eg. internet, books, magazines, existing graphics etc.
- Developing & Refining Design Ideas - revise how designers develop their initial ideas for their designs, how they develop their ideas and how they refine their final choice of design.
- Production of Final Solution - revise what a prototype is and the techniques that designers use to produce their final designs.
- Evaluation
- Design Elements and how they can be applied in a package design.
- Line
- Shape
- Tone
- Texture
- Colour
- Letterform
- Design Principles and how they can be applied to a package design.
- Composition
- Balance - Symmetrical & Assymmetrical
- Hierarchy (Order of importance)
- Cropping
- Contrast
- Repetition - Pattern
- Figure & Ground (Positive & Negative space)
- Types of technology a designer will use through the design process when producing a package design.
- Design Brief - Wordprocessing
- Research - Internet
- Developing Ideas - Mind mapping software - (Mindmeister)
- Production - 3D modeling - Google Sketchup, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop.
- Choosing Fonts
- Review section on fonts under logo design projects steps.
- Evaluating the success of a design (2 Main Areas)
- Function - how it works
- Aesthetics - how it looks
- What is a prototype?
- You will need to create some designs on your exam so practice design and drawing skills for your exam.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Year 9&10 Graphics Exam Revision Semester 1
Below is a list of the areas that you should study for your Graphics Exam. Make sure you refer to the rest of the year 9&10 Graphics blog when studying and refer to your folio projects.