The following will help guide the development of your case study:
Link to sample Case Study.
- Describe the innovation including reference to the needs, function and aesthetics of the design.
- Find out about the historical development and design processes employed leading to the innovation.
- By describing any adaptation or development of ideas employed during the development of the innovation, determine the extent of creativity employed by the innovator or designer.
- The following factors often impact on the success of innovations: marketing strategies, timing, political, economic, cultural and legal factors. Identify those that have impacted on your innovation's success. Give simple explanations to justify your choices. (refer to chapter 17 of text)
- Account for the range and use of technologies in the development of the innovation placing emphasis on available and emerging technologies. (refer to chapter 17 and 25 of text)
- Explain the role of any government, commercial, industrial or other agencies that have contributed to the success of the innovation.
- Research and describe entrepreneurial activities that have contributed to the success of the innovation. (refer to chapter 17 of text)
- Identify ethical issues considered by the innovator. Explain their importance. (refer to chapter 17 of text)
- Environmental considerations can impact on the work of designers. Discuss the environmental issues that have impacted on the design and the degree of success of the innovation. (refer to chapter 16 of text)
- How does the innovation you have investigated contribute to the quality of life of Australian society?