Sunday, September 1, 2013

Year 11 DET Exam Revision Semester 2

For your end of year exam you should study the following content:

  • Read chapter summaries from your text book - all chapters from 1 to 12
  • Complete summary questions for chapters 7 and 10.
  • Revise summary questions that you completed from chapter 3 in semester 1.
  • Complete summary questions from chapter 2 (Design Process and Production Processes).
  • Revise your Designer Case Study from semester 1.
  • Practice Multiple Choice Questions.
Your Exam will have the following format:
  • 10 multiple choice questions
  • 3 short answer questions
  • 1 extended response question.
Become familiar with the following key terms used in exams in the short answers and extended response questions. These will usually determine how marks are given and the level of your answer should be.

7. Critically (analyse/evaluate)

Add a degree or level of accuracy depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, questioning, reflection and quality to (analyse/evaluate) Analyse - Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications

6. Evaluate
Make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of
5. Explain
Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how
4. Discuss
Identify issues and provide points for and/or against
3. Describe
Provide characteristics and features
2. Outline
Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of
1. Identify
Recognise and name

Friday, August 9, 2013

HSC DET Trial Exam Revision

Year 12 Revision Chapters for Trial Exam

Practice doing the online multiple choice questions. Link is on the left.
Try some of the Past HSC Exams from here.

Read through the chapter summaries of chapters 13 - 25 of your text.
Read through and try some of the chapter summary tasks.

Specifically focus on the following chapters, reading them and studying them thoroughly.
  • Chapters 13, 15, 16, 18, 25.

You should also read over the following;
  • Innovation case study
  • Your design proposal for your Major Design Project
  • glossary of terms in your text book.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Promotional Graphic Design (Due Date - 30/8/2013)

In this unit of work you have the opportunity to design, produce and evaluate a design for a Promotional Graphic Product. You are to develop a client brief for a business or organisation that requires promotional advertising for their business. This could be advertising for one of their products, services or generally promoting their business or organisation. You are to use the design process to solve the design solution and demonstrate skills in using appropriate drawing skills and graphic design software to create the design concept for the client. Advertising products that you may produce could be: - Press adds, brochure designs, web page designs, billboards, corporate identity (logo – letterhead, business card etc.).

Download Assessment Rubric for this Task.

Things to include in your project.
  • Design Brief
  • Action Plan
    • Timeline - Gantt Chart
    • Finance Plan - Spreadsheet of costing & budget
  • Evaluation Criteria
    • Function
    • Aesthetics
  • Research for information and inspiration
  • Brainstorming & idea generation
    • Thumbnail Sketches of ideas for imagery and text.
    • Thumbnail Sketches with experimentation with Design Elements & Principles
      • Design Elements
        • Line
        • Shape - Form
          • Geometric
          • Organic
        • Tone
        • Texture
        • Colour
          • Schemes - complimentary, harmonious/analagous,
          • Warm & Cool
        • Letterform - Fonts
          • Serif
          • Sanserif
          • Script
          • Decorative - Display
      • Design Principles
        • Composition
          • Balance
          • Symmetrical - Formal Design
          • Assymmetrical - Informal/Dynamic Design
        • Hierarchy - Order or importance
          • Focal Point
          • Empahasis - Dominance
        • Contrast
        • Size
        • Cropping
        • Relationship
          • Design Grid
          • Rule of Thirds
        • Repetition - Pattern
  • Development and Refinement of Ideas
    • Concept Designs & layouts (Mockups & Prototypes) on Computer using either Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign.
    • Experimentation with a variety of techniques, material and media
  • Production
    • Final Graphic Artwork in appropriate format for client
  • Evaluation
    • Evaluation throughout the design project - use annotations within your development work that explain your design decisions, explain the effectiveness of your designs, what worked and what didn't.
    • Analysis and evaluation of functional and aesthetic aspects of your design - evaluate the effectiveness of the design elements and principles that you have explored in your design, what worked well and what didn't. Has your design achieved it's intended function.
    • Written evaluation on the success of your design related to evaluation criteria outlined in your design proposal above.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Design Brief

Client Details
Provide the name and contact details of the client (This may be fictitious)

Description of Client
Describe your client in the third person. Provide relevant details about their age, beliefs, size of their business, number of employees, personal lifestyle, or aspirations. Your description should sum up quickly and concisely so remember to use descriptive words.

Description of Design Problem
Provide an overview of the visual design problem faced by your  client. This description should include a short background of where the design problem came from and what challenges are faced by your client. It should indicate what devices will be used to solve the visual design problems, but should not include a detailed explanation of how the design problem will be solved.

Visual Design Presentation
Indicate the format of the visual design, i.e. poster, postcard, visual identity and its application on business cards/signage/letterhead etc.

Description of Visual Solution
Provide a short description of the proposed communication solution.

Purpose & Function of the Visual Design
Outline the purpose of the visual design to be presented.

Describe the audience(s) for the visual design. Refer to age, gender, demographics, socio economics.

The context is where the visual design will be found.

What constraints has the client place on the visual design solution? For example, will the business logo use spot or offset printing? Is the Tshirt design limited to a certain number of spot colours? Is there a limitation to the size or gsm of the paper to be used? Is there a size restriction to the house? Is there a financial constraint? What is the deadline or time constraint for the job to be finished?

Approach to the Design Process.
How will you approach the design process to solve the visual design problem?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Kitchen Design Task - Due Date 31/5/2013

You are to take on the role as an interior designer. Your task is to redesign your home kitchen to make it more innovative in design and as a result improving your home lifestyle.
Use the factors that effect design to make it more innovative.
Function - look at the function of your kitchen. How can you improve the way it functions and how your audience functions within it?
Aesthetics - how can you improve the look of your kitchen? How can the design elements be used to improve the visual appeal of your kitchen?
Health and safety - identify any health and safety issues within your present kitchen, can you improve these?
Environmental - can you design the kitchen so that it is more environmentally friendly? By using recycled materials, conserving water etc.

  1. You are to use the chapter 1 & 5 of your text book to help you formulate a design brief, recording the needs of your client.
  2. Create a project management plan for this project outlining the key dates of completion for the project including a break down of when each stage of the design process will be completed – this should include a gantt chart. Refer to Chapter 8 (page 83) in your textbook to help explain what a gantt chart is.
  3. You should also create a finance plan outlining all the costs for your kitchen design development. This should be outlined on a spreadsheet using Excel. Refer to page 84 and 238 - 239 of your text book.
  4. Research principles of good kitchen design and make a dot point summary of the principles you need to take into consideration when designing your kitchen.
  5. Make a dot point list of innovations that you could add to your kitchen eg. something that makes your kitchen different and better than other kitchens, or something that hasn't been used yet. Link to innovative kitchen video.
  6. You need to create and conduct a market research interview on at least 3 people within the audience group that you are targeting your kitchen design to. Identify any needs or design opportunities and add these as requirements to the design brief.
  7. You are to create a criteria evaluation checklist that you will use as a tool to evaluate the success of your kitchen design throughout the design process. Refer to chapter 7 of your text book.
  8. Work through each stage of the design process to complete the design of your kitchen communicating with your client (The teacher) continually and referring back to the design brief throughout the process.
      • Start with an orthogonal sketch plan to scale on graph paper showing 3 views of your kitchen design. You can use the Idraw ipad app to help you create your image.

  9. Hand in all work from this point on 24/03/2013

      • Then use your scaled plan to create a 3D Model in Google Sketchup.
      • Make sure you export 2D graphic jpegs of your progress each lesson and mount these in your development work display folder for assessment.
  10. You are to create a materials, tools and techniques table outlining what you have used throughout the design process.
  11. You are also to create a health and safety checklist outlining the safety requirement for your kitchen design.
  12. Create a table that outlines the advantages and disadvantages of your kitchen design to the individual, society and to the environment. Refer to chapter 3 of your textbook.
  13. Your final design for kitchen should be presented as a 3D model created using Google Sketchup and should be fully rendered with your chosen textures and colour schemes. You should create a walk through animation of your design showing of the key design features of your kitchen. - Refer to chapter 12 in textbook (Computer-based technologies in designing and producing).
  14. Create a printed concept presentation of your kitchen design to present to your client. The presentation should include a 2D orthogonal drawing showing 3 views of the design and at least two 3D perspective representations of your kitchen design. This should be neatly mounted for assessment.
  15. All development work should be included in your visual display folder for assessment.
Kitchen Design by Courtney Shultz Year 11 - 2012.



Kitchen Design Task - Due Date 24/5/2013

You are to take on the role as an interior designer. Your task is to redesign your home kitchen to make it more innovative in design and as a result improving your home lifestyle.
Use the factors that effect design to make it more innovative.
Function - look at the function of your kitchen. How can you improve the way it functions and how your audience functions within it?
Aesthetics - how can you improve the look of your kitchen? How can the design elements be used to improve the visual appeal of your kitchen?
Health and safety - identify any health and safety issues within your present kitchen, can you improve these?
Environmental - can you design the kitchen so that it is more environmentally friendly? By using recycled materials, conserving water etc.

  1. You are to use the chapter 1 & 5 of your text book to help you formulate a design brief, recording the needs of your client.
  2. Create a project management plan for this project outlining the key dates of completion for the project including a break down of when each stage of the design process will be completed – this should include a gantt chart. Refer to Chapter 8 (page 83) in your textbook to help explain what a gantt chart is.
  3. You should also create a finance plan outlining all the costs for your kitchen design development. This should be outlined on a spreadsheet using Excel. Refer to page 84 and 238 - 239 of your text book.
  4. Research principles of good kitchen design and make a dot point summary of the principles you need to take into consideration when designing your kitchen.
  5. Make a dot point list of innovations that you could add to your kitchen eg. something that makes your kitchen different and better than other kitchens, or something that hasn't been used yet. Link to innovative kitchen video.
  6. You need to create and conduct a market research interview on at least 3 people within the audience group that you are targeting your kitchen design to. Identify any needs or design opportunities and add these as requirements to the design brief.
  7. You are to create a criteria evaluation checklist that you will use as a tool to evaluate the success of your kitchen design throughout the design process. Refer to chapter 7 of your text book.
  8. Work through each stage of the design process to complete the design of your kitchen communicating with your client (The teacher) continually and referring back to the design brief throughout the process.
      • Start with an orthogonal sketch plan to scale on graph paper showing 3 views of your kitchen design. You can use the Idraw ipad app to help you create your image.

  9. Hand in all work from this point on 24/03/2013

      • Then use your scaled plan to create a 3D Model in Google Sketchup.
      • Make sure you export 2D graphic jpegs of your progress each lesson and mount these in your development work display folder for assessment.
  10. You are to create a materials, tools and techniques table outlining what you have used throughout the design process.
  11. You are also to create a health and safety checklist outlining the safety requirement for your kitchen design.
  12. Create a table that outlines the advantages and disadvantages of your kitchen design to the individual, society and to the environment. Refer to chapter 3 of your textbook.
  13. Your final design for kitchen should be presented as a 3D model created using Google Sketchup and should be fully rendered with your chosen textures and colour schemes. You should create a walk through animation of your design showing of the key design features of your kitchen. - Refer to chapter 12 in textbook (Computer-based technologies in designing and producing).
  14. Create a printed concept presentation of your kitchen design to present to your client. The presentation should include a 2D orthogonal drawing showing 3 views of the design and at least two 3D perspective representations of your kitchen design. This should be neatly mounted for assessment.
  15. All development work should be included in your visual display folder for assessment.
Kitchen Design by Courtney Shultz Year 11 - 2012.

FOOD PACKAGE DESIGN - Due 25/05/2013


  • Invent an original food product and design packaging for it, or
  • Redesign and existing package for a food product.
  • Design the surface graphics for all sides of the package, including nutrition label and bar code.
  • Use fonts that fit with the overall design and are effective at communicating information about the product


Outline a written work brief that addresses the following areas (Max 200 Words)
  • What is the product?
Product name and manufacturer must be shown and include a brand identification.

  • What is the general purpose of the product?
You need to be creative and innovative so the package creates graphic impact and brandidentification the product stands out from others at the point of sale.
  • Who is the audience/target market for your packaged food product?
Packaging must be directed to the target audience. You need to demonstrate they know what attracts this particular audience ‐ what are the needs of this audience?
  • What is the specific purpose?
The manufacturer wants the packaging to attract, promote/ advertise, and sell the product.


You will explain how packaging design relates to the product being marketed to a specific audience
Find 2 food products online.
a. Name of the Food Product:
b. Include an image of the packaged food product.
c. What are some characteristics of the product? (example: low-carbohydrate, caffeinated, berry flavored…)
d. Who is the audience/target market? Who does this design appeal to? (example: kids, athletes, vegetarians, people trying to loose weight…..)
e. Analyse the effectiveness of the package design by filling out the following table.

Factor of Design

Aesthetics (How it Looks)

Health & Safety


Environmental Consequences



Design aspects - elements & principles
Example: green background

How the design relates to the product
Example: Reminds you of vegetables and makes people think this is healthy


Brainstorm a list of things related to the subject of the food product. eg. Lemonade
  • Lemon
  • Yellow
  • Sun
  • Sour
  • Lemon Tree
  • Leaves
  • Juicy
  • etc.
Then collect photographs and illustrations of these images and paste them into your visual diary.Make a list of the characteristics and positive benefits of your product. eg.
  • Gives you energy
  • Great flavour
  • Healthy
  • low-carbohydrate
Make a list of images that would help demonstrate these benefits. eg.
  • An athlete
  • Active healthy person
  • Images that represent the flavour
Then collect photographs and illustrations of these images and paste them into your visual diary.


From your collection of photographs, make sketches of ideas for your illustration to be included on your package. You do not need to include the text that goes on the package at this stage, just the image. You may like to experiment with your image in Adobe Illustrator and stylize and simplify your image. Below is an example of an image that has been simplified and stylized.



With your illustration experiment with the design elements.
  • Color – try using warm and cool colors to make objects come forward or go back. Try using complimentary colors (Opposite on the color wheel to create contrast. Try using harmonious colors (Next to each other on the color wheel) to create harmony in the design.
  • Line – try adjusting the thickness of lines to change the style of the illustration.
  • Shape – try taking out the lines and using flat shapes for your design. Try using geometric shapes or just organic shapes.
  • Tone – try using different tones and shade to give your objects Form and make them look 3 dimensional.
  • Texture – try using different textures to help describe the surface of the fruits.


There are no right or wrong typefaces - there are only effective and ineffective ones.If you've ever had to squint or "work" to read something, you've probably been the victim of an inappropriate font.Just as people tend to form an opinion by your appearance, the first impression of type is also important.If you want your business to be taken seriously, you need to choose fonts that reflect this. Don't use a casual or script font when a credible, more traditional typeface would be more appropriate.How to Choose an Effective FontAsk yourself these questions to help choose an appropriate font for your graphic material.What is the tone of this project?Fun, happy, credible, serious. Choose a font that reflects the tone.What font best reflects the content?If you're talking about insurance, you want a font that is open, easy to read and looks business-like. A leaning font with a cute feel is going to contradict this.Choose the mood that you want to convey on your food package.Now type out the name of your Food in 5 different fonts that you think reflect this mood.Check out these links below for some different ideas for fonts.

Submit all work from this point for assessment on 24/03/2013


Now that you have completed your illustration and chosen your font you now need to experiment with the shape and form of your package. This is known as structural design. You will need to work out what it will look like as a 3d shape and how it will look when it is unfolded as a 2d shape. This is known as a package dieline. This is a good website to help you get started with ideas for shapes of your package. You can used other websites as a resource for working out the shape or your package (search for packaging dieline templates). Be creative in your shape design but make sure that you look at both the functional and aesthetic aspects of your design.

DESIGN PRINCIPLES - Surface Graphics Layout

Now that you have completed the structural design of your package you need to experiment with the placement of the illustration and the text within your package format using the design principles.
  • Complete a symmetrical design for the package surface graphics
  • Complete an asymmetrical design for the package surface graphics
  • Complete a design of your food package focusing on visual hierarchy of information.
  • Create a design using cropping.
  • Create a design focusing on contrast.
  • Create a design using repetition or pattern.
  • Create a design experimenting with the figure and ground spaces (positive & negative) try using counterchange.
When you have completed these designs choose your best design and create your final surface graphics using either Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.Print your final package designs on the color printer and paste them onto pasteboard. Then construct your 3D package pasting it together to create a prototype of your package and hand in for assessment. A prototype is an early sample or model built to test a concept or process or to act as a thing to be replicated or learned from. Create a google sketchup model of your package design applying the surface graphics to the side of the package model. Use either jpeg or png files from photoshop and apply them as textures to the side of the package. Make sure you package is created to scale.